In order to contribute to the economic reactivation of the country, Sunarp has virtualized and simplified the procedure to request and obtain the Certificate of Cadastral Search, a compendium certificate that certifies whether a property is unregistered or if it is part of a property already registered in the Land Registry also certifies the existence or not of overlap with neighboring areas.
Since August 10, users are now able to process it through the Online Registration Advertising Service (SPRL) which is accessed through the Sunarp institutional web portal, the mobile application or other device with internet access and receive it in a virtual in your emails.
It is important to point out that the Online Registry Advertising Service (SPRL) allows access to the database that contains the indexes of the different registries, the centralized repository of images of the registry items and stored titles that are in digital format, for information that is available.
As security measures. the cadastral search certificate will be issued with an electronic signature and verification code; For which, the user must enter their request and attach the requirements, such as plans and descriptive memory, also virtually, to be evaluated by the cadastre area and continue with the established process, until the corresponding certificate is generated and is sent to the applicant's email.
This online service enables applications to be submitted, remotely, to any registry office, nationwide, directly, easily and safely, reducing service times and avoiding the payment of shipping costs.
The cadastral search certificate is an essential document for the physical legal sanitation of the properties and is aimed at natural and legal persons, public and private; especially, representatives of municipalities, regional governments, and state entities that execute public investment projects and other works of interest at the service of citizens.